
7 Google Keyword Planner Alternatives You Should Try

Google has been making a lot of changes to the mode Google Keyword Planner behaves. Only recently, they made a change where in users that accept a budget lower than a set base limit (which Google conveniently forgot to specify…), will non see the accurate results, and will be presented with the data in a range of values, instead. That's not very useful, specially when users are trying to notice the best keywords for their ads. Some people take even claimed that this motion from Google only further tilts the playing field in favour of big companies that tin afford to pay more coin for a tool, than, say, startups can. That'southward why nosotros have curated a list of 7 Google Keyword Planner alternatives that we think you will find useful:

1. Long Tail Pro

Long Tail Pro is a desktop awarding, bachelor for both Mac and Windows. The application is extremely powerful, and tin do everything that Google Keyword Planner tin can, and do it faster. Long Tail Pro is a paid application, that comes in both monthly, and yearly payment options. There's also a 10 day trial bachelor for $1, that yous tin can try out, before deciding on whether or not you lot desire to go along using the application. The trial is full-featured, and as such, it is definitely the best alternative to Google Keyword Planner.

keyword planner alternatives

Users tin create projects in the application, and each projection tin have as many keywords every bit the user likes. The application shows the search volume, besides every bit the competition rating for every keyword. Users can also look at the top Google results for the keywords, directly inside the application itself. Overall, the application is definitely worth trying out, and will help you find keywords that you can utilise to target your ads.

Buy ($i trial, $37/month monthly plan, $25/calendar month annual program)

2. SEMrush

SEMrush is some other really peachy tool to analyse keywords, as well every bit find out the acme keywords from your contest. SEMrush provides users with a plethora of information on the keywords they have searched for. Information includes values such as search volume, number of results, CPC distribution, too as the search trends for the keyword. Along with that, SEMrush also provides related keywords forth with their search volume data.

keyword planner alternatives

Users can access these tools for free, simply by signing upward to the SEMrush website, with the limitation that SEMrush volition non bear witness all of the related keywords that it institute. However, the number of results it shows tin can notwithstanding prove to exist quite helpful to users.

Employ SEMrush (costless, paid plans start from $69.95/calendar month)

3. SpyFu

SpyFu is very similar to SEMrush in the way it works, except that SpyFu doesn't even require users to sign upwards to the website in order to use its services. The data provided by SpyFu includes metrics such every bit search volume (both local and global), click through rate for the keyword, cost per click, and related keywords. The number of related keywords displayed by the website is limited to v in the free version, withal users can register for SpyFu's services and get equally many related keywords as the website tin find.

keyword planner alternatives

The website also displays results like the well-nigh successful advertisers for the keyword, and even the ranking of different websites over a menses of fourth dimension as a graph, that users tin play around with, to effigy out how different websites using the keywords have fared in Google rankings over time.

Employ SpyFu (free, paid plans showtime from $49)

iv. Moz Pro

Moz offers a lot of tools that users can use for free, admitting with limited functionality. All the same, the functionality provided by the limited version of the tools clearly prove that Moz Pro is a really proficient tool for keyword research and a lot of other purposes. Notable among the host of features offered by Moz Pro are, weekly tracking of keyword ranking, for both the user's own website, likewise as the competitions. The website also provides users with ranking comparisons of their websites with their competition, in over 200 countries.

keyword planner alternatives

They also offer keyword enquiry tools, and allow users to evaluate the most of import domains on the web, along with offer site crawling services. At that place's a lot more than that Moz Pro lets users do, in gild to improve their website'south SEO operation and to help their websites rank better.

Use Moz Pro (costless, paid plans start $99)

5. Keyword Tool Pro

Keyword Tool Pro is a tool that can aid users discover keywords relevant to their website that volition have high search volume and piffling contest. It does this by digging through more keywords than Google's Keyword Planner does, and exposing more keyword options for users, allowing users to choose from a wider list of keywords, and pick out keywords that take a low level of competition, as compared to other keywords that would have proven harder to rank on. The tool uses Google Search'south "autocomplete" feature to observe out hidden keywords that are unremarkably omitted by Google Keyword Planner. It uses the autocomplete feature from a variety of sources, including YouTube, Bing, Amazon and even the App Store, letting users access the keyword data from a large number of sources.

keyword planner alternatives

The tool does offering a free version for people who desire to effort it out earlier paying for the Pro version, however the gratis trial only shows the relevant keywords for the keyword searched by the users, and hides all the other information such as the search book, cpc and other important details. Even so, the tool does offer a 30 day money back guarantee, so if y'all pay for the tool and don't like what information technology offers, you can inquire for a refund inside 30 days, and you will get your money back.

Apply Keyword Tool (free, paid plans start from$48/month)

6. Term Explorer

Term Explorer is yet some other suite that comes with a variety of tools allowing users to perform a number of operations; ane of which is finding good, assisting keywords that they can utilise. The website offers free usage for up to v keyword searches, after which users will have to sign up to continue using the service. Term Explorer looks up the requested keywords and provides users with relevant metrics such every bit the search volume in the form of boilerplate monthly searches, the average cost per click, the difficulty index for the keywords in question, every bit well as the relevancy of the keyword.

keyword planner alternatives

One time the users have searched for the keywords they desire, they can download the generated written report in the form of a CSV (comma separated values) file, or in the form of a White Label PDF. Term Explorer also offers a bulk keyword tool, to look up a number of keywords at the same time. Users tin can also sort the results by search book, cost per click or PPC competition.

Use Term Explorer (free, paid plans kickoff from $34)

7. Market Samurai

Market Samurai is some other application for keyword assay, available for Windows and macOS. Information technology offers a costless trial version for download, so that users can use the app before deciding on whether they want to purchase the full version or not. Market Samuraistreamlines all disquisitional search engine marketing tasks, and tries to put the complete market intelligence at the user'southward disposal. The application allows users to create projects within which they can search for keywords and cheque various relevant metrics, including the total searches for the keyword, the average daily searches for the keyword, along with the trends that the keyword is following.

keyword planner alternatives

At that place are a lot more options in the awarding, and it works well. Even so, at $97, it is definitely not cheap for what it does, and at that place are some better options available.

Use Market Samurai (free trial, pro version at $97)

Meet Besides: What Is Domain Authority And Why It Is Of import?

Try These Keyword Planner Alternatives for Your Next Campaign

While Google is continuously making radical (and sometimes undesirable) changes to their Keyword tool, users can switch to any of the 7 alternatives we accept mentioned in this list. These alternative tools are as good (if not better) as the Google Keyword Planner, and can help users do all the things that the Keyword Planner can, then some more. And so, the next time you are blasphemous Google Keyword Planner for removing a metric or a feature that yous wanted, yous can only refer to this article, and option i of the tools we have picked out for y'all.

What tools do you lot use to find keywords for your campaigns? Are you happy with using Google Keyword Planner, or have yous already shifted to another keyword tool for your everyday needs? If you know of a keyword planning tool that you recall is crawly, and that we have not mentioned in this article, do let us know in the comments section below.


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